How to utilize TOK?

Regarding TOK’s product ratio, custom products account for over 70% of all our products.

TOK has an abundance of experiences for various markets, for example sanitary, home appliance, furniture, industry, automotive, duplicating machine, etc.

We would like to introduce to you about “How to utilize TOK?”

with a past inquiry as example.


Inquiry via website (Customer)

  • The customer is a manufacturer related to screen doors, preventing bugs from entering.
    • Desired to improve the motion when the screen door opens
    • The screen door has a spring roller inside that is turned to create tension to rewind to the open position
    • To prevent from slamming they have already been using a governor device which a competitor provided.


Current motion: When screen door rewinds to the open position by spring force, the screen door sometimes stops on the way unintentionally.



They desired to have a new function to prevent the above named problem,

and therefore, they asked TOK if it was possible to create new product which is adaptable to the acceleration speed of the screen door.


At first, we already had an idea to create such a motion because we had an experience of developing for other application in the past.

Instead of the competitor product (governor device), TOK came up with a better solution: that is speed reducer using 2 types of spring inside.


  • Smooth rewinding according to acceleration speed,
  • Is unaffected by changing temperature,
  • Allows the screen door to move properly without stopping on the way,
  • Easy to operate to open the screen door with a light touch
  • High-durability: cost-effective


TOK can provide you the most promising idea for your application.

If you struggle to have desired motion, please let us know, we would be more than happy to have any inquiries always.


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